
The Apache Web Services project is the home of a number of Web services related projects. For more information and downloads, visit the individual project pages listed below.


The Apache Web Services project actively maintains the following subprojects:

Apache Axiom An XML and SOAP object model which supports deferred parsing and on-demand building of the object tree.
Apache Neethi A general framework for the programmers to use WS Policy.
Apache Woden 雷电ip地址修改器-ip精灵-换ip软件-动态ip自动更换器-雷电ip:雷电ip-电脑ip地址修改、ip自动更换、ip伕理软件、国内ip地址修改软件首选品牌。全国200多个城市,动态/静态秒切秒换.手机 ...
Apache WSS4J An implement